April on San Juan Island

Posted on April 8, 2024

In April the isle laughs in flowers. Daffodils are greeting you on every wayside, wildflowers are emerging along the prairie and on the mountains as the pastures and prairies are speckled with baby wildlife. April marks not only the official beginning of the whale watching season, but also a boom of festivities and cultural events, like Spring Break and Earth Day. It is a lovely time to spend the island a visit.

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First Whale Watching Tour of the Season

April is the official start of the Orca season. In addition Humpbacks return from Hawaii with their babes in tow. Proud Bald Eagle parents teaching their chick how to fly. See baby seals and baby sea lions, white-sided dolphins, porpoises and so much more on one of the first guided whale watching tours of the year. Let us know and we’ll book the one perfect for you and yours, right when you make your Friday Harbor hotel reservation with us.

San Juan Safaris, Friday Harbor, WA
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Earth Day -  Great Island Beach Clean-up Party

On the Saturday after Earth Day (April 26, 2025) the isle gets together for the Great Island Beach Clean-Up to keep our precious Salish Sea plastic free. Come meet at the San Juan Brewery at 10:00am for a beach assignment, instructions and free coffee and donuts. Return with your trash around 2:00pm and join the fabulous after party with raffles, kids activities, prizes for the coolest trash, live music and $1 beer for volunteers.

Earthbox Inn & Spa Beach Clean Up for Earth Day
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Daffodil Frolic and Bird Walk at Sculpture Park

Find over 8,000 daffodils and other spring flowers blooming alongside giant sculptures, through-provoking poems and interactive displays at the gorgeous, 20-acre San Juan Island Sculpture Park. Join expert birder Tyler Davis for the monthly bird walks on the first Wednesday of every month at 8:00am. Tyler has identified over 100 species of birds at the Sculpture Park. All bird watchers are welcome – free and donations are appreciated! 

San Juan Island, Washington
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Easter Hunts for Everyone

Easter is a festive affair for young and old on San Juan Island. Find the Easter Bunny walking through Friday Harbor on Easter Sunday handing out candy to the little ones. Bring your teens to the flashlight easter egg hunt on Jackson Beach that evening. Treat yourself to an Easter Oyster hunt out at the shellfish farm or join the Golden Keg hunt at the fun San Juan Brewery.

Bird Rock Hotel, Friday Harbor, WA
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Stunning Wildflower Hikes

The sight of the American Camp National Historical Park prairie abloom with wildflowers is truly awe-inspiring. Find Blue Camas, Indian Paintbrush, Columbines  and Lupines blowing in the brisk wind with the serene Salish Sea and the snow-covered Olympic Mountains in the background. Stay on the trails and tread lightly as the rare Island Marble butterfly has reappeared on the American Camp prairie after more than 100 years. Watch for otters and baby foxes and majestic raptors, as you listen to the beautiful song of the red-winged blackbirds.

San Juan Island, Washington
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Friday Harbor Art Scene

Find three museums and seven galleries in walking distance to our Earthbox Inn & Spa. Explore the news Spring exhibitions on the first Friday Art Walk each months (or any other time). Check out the poetry gardens on the waterfront. Treat yourself to a play at the Community Theatre or to a pottery class at the whimsical Alchemy Art Center.

Friday Harbor, Washington