Halloween on San Juan Island
Updated June 2017
When the thick fall fog lays silence over the harvested valleys of our island; when the humpbacks are gone to have babies in the warm waters of Hawaii; when the veil between our world and the next is the thinnest; then it’s time for Halloween on San Juan Island.
All Hollow’s Eve is a big deal in our little town. The stores are decked out with spider webs and decorations of the more unnerving kind. Zombies bag your groceries and witches pour your brew. Around noon the costumed schoolchildren of the town parade down Spring Street (our version of Main Street) waiting anxiously for night to fall. There is not a more adorable site all year.
You haven’t really Tricked or Treated until you’ve been to Friday Harbor’s Rose Street neighborhood, across from the San Juan County Fair Grounds. This friendly, safe neighborhood is swarming with little elves and goblins all day on Halloween. Even though my kids are grown, I still stop by to chat and watch the adorable kids (and maybe snag a candy bar or two…)
Later, once the candy is eaten and the babes are safely tucked in, it’s time to go bar hopping. Herbs, the oldest tavern in town, will have live music and the most hilarious costume contest with prizes. If you feel the hankering to strut your costume a little longer, go across the street to the China Pearl for more costume contests, music and fun.
Whatever you do, make sure to stop by the front desk, so we can see your costume.