10 Tips to Make Your San Juan Island Mom & Daughter-Getaway Unforgettable
Updated April 2019
“The art of mothering is teaching the art of living to children” ~ Elaine Heffner
The relationship between a mother and a daughter is probably one of the most complex. We love one another unconditionally, yet nobody can irritate us quite like each other. We never wanted to be like our Mom, yet at times, it’s her voice we hear when we speak. We are terrified for our daughter, yet we did the exact same things when we were her age. And deep down we both know that we don’t have unlimited time. Let’s get away together and play! The pristine beauty of San Juan Island is the perfect place to celebrate and nourish our unique relationship.
We’ve compiled 10 marvelous outing ideas on San Juan Island, Mom & Daughter tested and approved:
1) Have a Spa Date
Hop into our indoor heated pool first thing in the morning, relax in the hot tub for a while, then head over to our Spa at Earthbox and indulge in a side- by-side Open Sky Signature massage. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water for the rest of the day.
2) Go Clothes Shopping
Friday Harbor has the best consignments stores around. Walk to “Girlfriends” or the “Second Act”, and get a new look. Sport your new outfits as you enjoy an evening on the town together.
3) Learn Something New
Visit the Whale Museum, the Museum of Art or the San Juan Historical Museum and vow to learn three things each that you didn’t know before.
4) Go Whale Watching
Take a whale watch trip on Western Prince’s Zodiak Explorer, a 15-passenger, open air ride. You’ll ask yourself why they have you wear such big, orange suits in the middle of summer and then they start the boat and you’ll know…..
5) Go Kayaking
Take a 3-hour kayak trip with the San Juan Outfitters. Find out how old starfish can get and what’s really going on deep down in a kelp garden, then race the tour guide back to the docks at Roche Harbor.
6) Make a Nature Mobile
Bring some pretty ribbon and a pair of scissors, go to Granny’s Cove in American Camp and collect cool things on the beach. Hang your seashells, bones, feathers, smooth stones and colorful beach glass from a piece of driftwood. Bring it home and hang it from the balcony.
7) Go for Ice Cream
Go to the Friday Harbor Ice Cream Co. in the red house by the ferry landing and pick one of the 75 flavors of ice cream. Stroll along the port and look for Popeye, Friday Harbor’s “official” harbor seal.
8) Get a Good Book
Go to Griffin Bay Bookstore, get a nice cup of coffee and pick a book together. Read it to each other instead of TV at night and on the ferry.
9) Get a Plant
Go to the Farmer’s Market or to one of the many island farms and get a baby plant. Maybe a cherry tomato or a lavender bush from the Pelindaba Farm and plant it together at home. It will remind you of your lovely trip and make some bees happy as well.
10) Fancy Dinner
Dress up in your new chic clothes and go to Downriggers for a fancy, waterfront, seafood dinner.
What do you say, Ladies? Are you ready to make some memories